21 modules with quality content. Some features include:
eBook Design
Make an eBook design in seconds with the Action Script located in the Module 4: 3D eCover Action Scripts.
Web Display Templates
Easily create Mac style graphics by simply copying & pasting.
Call To Action Buttons
In seconds get animated Add To Cart and other call to action buttons customized with your own text.
Hand Written Fonts & Drawings
Add a bit of contrast to your presentation to call attention to key points by switching up the style to hand written words and hand drawn arrows.

The Marketing Toolkit also includes:
– Mini Site Templates
– Premium Header Images
– 3D Covers Action Scripts
– 3D Web Display Templates
– Power Point Backgrounds
– Guarantee Signs
– Price Badges
– Signs and Tables
– Photo Frame
– Plus Much More
These are professional up-to-date graphics! You can look at all the artwork here and you can have all these PROFESSIONAL QUALITY graphics for a one time payment of only $10.
This Marketing Graphics Toolkit is what allows us to have quick turn-arounds and save time, cutting cost, because everyone knows that time is money.
We can’t stress enough how easy it is, but to make it even easier, there are videos to show you how to do it! It really cannot get any simpler than this.
Every single image you see in this post was customized from the very product we’re recommending you. So go grab it now!