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What could replace the LiveGood business card?

Embracing Digital Innovations As we continue to navigate the digital revolution, traditional business cards have faced stiff competition from modern, tech-forward alternatives. One such tool that’s become increasingly popular in the multi-level marketing industry is the QR code. Let me explain why. Advantages of QR Codes Over Traditional Business Cards Given our years of experience […]

What is the cheapest way to get LiveGood business cards?

Finding Affordable Business Cards for LiveGood Let’s talk affordability without compromising quality. At TightDesigns, we understand that as an independent distributor, you might be looking for the most economical way to get your LiveGood business cards. Here are some strategies to ensure you get the best deal: Shopping Wisely and Saving Costs When you’re looking […]

What information should I include on my business cards to effectively communicate my LiveGood products and services?

Key Information for Effective LiveGood Business Cards As part of the TightDesigns team, we’re specialists in creating business cards that provide real value in the MLM industry, especially for LiveGood distributors. Over time, we’ve identified several key pieces of information that you should include on your business cards to enhance communication about your LiveGood products […]

Does LiveGood allow distributors to make business cards to advertise their products?

LiveGood has a code of conduct to ensure our company operates ethically and efficiently. All our customers, members, or affiliates need to follow this code which forms part of our agreement with them. Permissible ways to advertise LiveGood For advertising, here’s what you can do: Am I able to use business cards to advertise LiveGood? […]

Do LiveGood business cards actually work?

Understanding the Impact of LiveGood Business Cards Being a team member at TightDesigns has provided me with an insightful perspective on the influence that business cards can have in the multi-level marketing (MLM) landscape. We create business cards for many MLM companies, and among them, LiveGood independent distributors are some of our most recurrent clientele. […]